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Margin Notes 1 : The Beginning

Welcome to the first of many Margin Notes! These posts will detail development updates for any projects Book 27 takes on. The first of which is the Y2K first person shooter, ASSIAH. For detailed break downs on development updates as well as possibly some deep dives into how we build various parts of the game this will be the place to go. For more general updates that maybe aren't so earth shattering you'll want to stay tuned into our social media accounts. You can find those here! Book 27 Twitter Account Daniel, the lead developer guy While this space will be reserved for larger updates the smaller updates will also be posted here so that there is a consolidation of all the cool and terrible things we get up to. In addition to this site there will be a discord where these updates will also be posted. The discord will be the perfect place to discuss what you think about the updates as well as just share in the revelry of making and playing games. Definitely keep a keen eye peeled for the discord link. That's about all I have for this initial post, thanks for reading. Until next time, stay excellent! - DannyMac

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